Could you help to inspire the next generation of XP and XP East? 

We are currently working to create a directory of experts for our upcoming Year 9 Passage Presentations and would appreciate your help! 

Passage Presentation is an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and demonstrate their readiness to move onto the next phase of their education – GCSE.

Students share their high quality work to a panel of experts and their family through an oral presentation, increasing their accountability and character development demonstrating the skills and knowledge they have gained in Key Stage 3. 

As part of the presentation students provide insight into their future goals and aspirations and we would like to ensure an authentic expert for each of them at their presentation – this is where you come in! 

We are seeking support from any members of our community to become an expert panelist at a Passage Presentation, to listen to the presentation, ask questions and support in directing pathways. In order for this to be a success we request help from members of the public who are able to share their own experiences and advice in order to advance our students to the next level of formal schooling.

If you feel this is something you are interested in, please use this link to sign up to the directory. 

Presentations will take place week commencing 27th January 2025 for 3 weeks. You will receive an invite from the student you have been allocated nearer to the time. 

Should you have any further questions, please contact a member of our Key Stage 3 Team: 

Natalie Johnson- (KS3 Lead) 

Emma Watson- (Phase Lead XPE 8/9)

Chris Morrison- (Phase Lead XP 8/9)

We appreciate your support in advance.