Class Five have been busy solving problems together. Super communication skills – well done everyone.
Mrs Parsons x

Class Five have been busy solving problems together. Super communication skills – well done everyone.
Mrs Parsons x
We spent our Thoughtful Thursday celebrating Maths Week 2024. We shared work we are proud of from our maths books and then grappled over some problems together!
This week Class Six have been thinking all about subtraction in Maths. To finish off the week we did a super fun activity writing on the tables.
We have been busy in maths generating our own number sentences to calculate the answers. Super job class 5 x
Last week Nursery were focusing on a text called “Kindess Makes Us Strong” by Sophie Beer as part of our continuing case study “What do stories tell us about being kind?”. Our Kindess Elves brought Nursery another present… but this time it wasn’t the story book! They brought “Kindness Juice” for us all to share! As we read through the story, we realised that “Kindness is a refreshing drink”. We all enjoyed our “fruity” juice together and were very thankful to the elves.
Nursery looked back over our mind maps and thought about what we have learned about ways in which we could be kind. We made our own Kindness Signs which shared our thoughts. Aren’t they beautiful…
We also had lots of fun creating friendship bracelets out of pipe cleaners and beads. We worked hard threading the beads on to the pipe cleaners, counting out up to 10 beads as we threaded them on. We were very kind and gave our bracelets to our friends or took them home for someone special. I wonder if you received one?
We really do have kind hands and hearts! Well Done Nursery.
The children have blown me away with their mathematical thinking skills in our very first counting collections session of the year! They worked beautifully in pairs, listening to one another and taking turns. Here we are in action…
Class 3 have been astounding me with their sorting and counting skills this week. They have been finding different ways to sort objects and described their groups to their partners.
They they showed me how wonderfully they can count by organising their collections and recording in different ways.
Well done everyone, you demonstrated great team work and proved that you really are magic mathematicians!
Consolidating our time work this morning with a game of bingo!
Class Five got competitive with their new skills this morning! Challenging each other to play time games. Great work everyone ⭐️
In maths this week we are working hard on telling the time using analogue clocks. We’ve had fun making our own interactive clocks and using them to make the time. We’ve also enjoyed applying our skills whilst playing games with our friends.
Let’s see if Class 6 can show off their skills at home by telling you what time it is or working out how many minutes it is until a certain event.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Goodyer