Children’s Mental Health week.

In Nursery this week we have been thinking about how to help keep our brains healthy and how to show kindness. We have taken part in various crews on sharing, kindness, exercise and our feeling monsters (zones of regulation). The children brought in their own teddies to share with their friends in a circle game. Every other child had a teddy and they sang a song called ”Pass the Teddy”. The aim of the game was to bounce the bear on their knee and then when the music stopped they had to pass the bear to the child next to them without a bear/toy so that they could have a turn too. All of the children were very gracious and kind to share their bears and they were very understanding that not everyone was holding a bear without feeling left out or possessive over their teddy.

Today the children thought more about the range of emotions they may feel via the feeling monsters (zones of regulation). We made stick puppets of the monsters. Nursery recognised that each emotion needed different facial expressions, such as a smile, frown, scowl or excited face. The children used amazing cutting skills to create the faces of the emotion they wanted to explore. They used googly and sticky eyes and drew on the appropriate mouth/ expression. We were were very proud peacocks of our final results!

We have a winner!

Congratulations to Thea in Class 5 who won the Valentine Treat Box put together by Mrs Winkley as part our fundraising towards the Bear for Leeds Children’s Hospital. Thank you to everyone who took part in this worthy cause. We raised £174 at the infants! Wow!

Feeling sleepy!

Strange goings on in Class 5 today – everyone is feeling sleepy and forgot to put their uniform on! They have told me it’s because they are raising money for Sheffield Children’s Hospital ❤️

In a deep dark wood…

Class 4 had a lovely afternoon visiting our Gruffalo wood on the school ground. We looked around to spot as many natural things as we could and used some amazing adjectives to describe what we could see.

Exploring Outdoors

In Crew this week we have enjoyed spending time outdoors making connections between ourselves and the great outdoors. We have spent time talking about ourselves and people that are important to us before spending some quality time together outside, enjoying being in the fresh air with the people that are important to us in school. It made us feel really happy when we spotted some of the first signs of spring time in our woods.