We are storytellers.

Nursery have been immersed in the story of Little Red Riding Hood this week. We have been identifying the main characters, thinking and talking about what they are like and comparing the Wolf and Red Riding Hood. We have been retelling the story in a host of ways including sequencing using story stones…

We have experimented with role play and acted out the roles of our key characters in small groups using story language and we were fabulous!! Look out for our videos on Dojo!

Once upon a time…

We thought about how Red Riding Hood travelled to her Granny’s house and made maps of her journey…

We enjoyed acting out the story in our story circle using props 😁 We had some great performances 👏

Ready for our journey in class 5

Class 5 came to school ready to make a journey! We had explorers, air hostesses and lots of excited holiday makers. We can’t wait to discover our guiding question later today.

Mrs Parsons xx

Mapping it out

We have created some beautiful work this week. We have been looking at a book titled ‘Martha Maps it Out’. We made links between the map of her local area and what we might find in ours. We took the children on a walk around Norton to see if we were right.

We enjoyed our walk and the children behaved beautifully!

Back in school we have mapped out our journey and have created some beautiful work. Here are some of our amazing maps…