Know Yourself Grow Yourself!

As part of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, we decided to start off our day by drawing a ‘happy picture’. We had a range of drawings including Spiderman, rainbows, love hearts, Sonic and our families…

In crew, we then spoke about our feelings and that it is OK to be in the blue zone sometimes. We discussed what we can do in school that would make us feel happy and calm, and how important it is that we know how to make ourselves feel good again. The children came up with some wonderful ideas…

Leading our own Learning

We have been learning about imperative verbs and time conjunctions this week to help us with our writing. We really have been leading our own learning by using the iPads to check our work before moving own.

Very impressive work class five – well done.

Mrs Parsons x

How are you feeling today?

It might be Mental Health Awareness week this week but we think it is important to understand and talk about how we are feeling everyday. We decided to make some bookmarks to remind us to think about how we are feeling and to ask others too.

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself!’ We started the week by looking at some of the different characters from Disney’s Inside Out. We thought about what we knew about the characters and discussed where we thought they might sit within our zones of regulation. When we circled up for our debrief we realised that some of the characters might not just fit in one zone and the zone wasn’t always the one we thought!

Some really thoughtful conversations happening in Crew this morning ā­•ļø

Growing Mathematical Minds

Class 1 have been securing their understanding of the composition of numbers in recent weeks. We have been investigating part part whole relations, seeing that 5 can be made from 3 and 2. The children enjoyed acting out ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’, which allowed children to deepen their knowledge through practical experiences.

In our recent counting collection session the children had some great ideas when recording their mathematical thinking. Keep up the great work!

Spectacular Spelling in EYFS!

This week in phonics we are spelling longer, more challenging words. The children truly blew me away with their attempts today. They used their segmenting fingers and wrote down all the phonemes they could hear in the word. Keep up the great work Class 1!

Childrenā€™s Mental Health Awareness Week

In crew this morning we looked at the characters from Inside Out and thought about which of the zones of regulation they would belong in. For some of them it was tricky to put them in just one zone!

In our check out we thought about which of the characters we feel most like today, luckily we didn’t have any Angers or Ennuis in crew this morning!