Tranquil Tuesday meets origami . . .

We decided to put our reading skills to good use this morning and revamp our bookmarks!

We read instructions carefully and followed the directions to make some new cool bookmarks.

It was lovely to see everyone supporting each other with the reading, cutting or folding. It meant the whole of Crew Parsons left with a completed book mark.

Well done guys ❤️

Mindfullness Techniques

This morning in crew we have been trying out some different calming techniques to help us. We tried out three different ones.

The first was finger breathing. This is where you use the outline of your hand to help you breathe in and out. One round gave you five, big relaxing breaths.

The next was called settling thoughts. This one was where you focussed on the sounds you could hear around you like birds tweeting, mindful music or the wind in the trees.

The final strategy was the listening game We heard the sound of a bell and we had to activate our listening to see how long we could hear the bell for.

Elizabeth enjoyed the listening game because it was really calming. Jack agreed! Katya liked the finger breathing strategy because she hadn’t seen anything like that before. Lottie enjoyed the finger breathing too because she was able to close her eyes and really focus.

I wonder when we could use these strategies outside of crew sessions.

Great start to the week Crew Parsons xx

Tranquil Tuesday

This morning we shared a story called Ruby’s Worry. We talked bout where our happy places were and we discovered that it’s usually people or animals that make them special to us. We also thought about who we could share a worry with because we all get worries every now and again.

It was lovely to see how supported and loved we all feel ❤️

Mrs Parsons xx

Mindful Monday

We started our morning with a walk around our school grounds. We chatted, listened to the birds and looked at the wildlife.

Autumn said it made her feel peaceful, calm and free. Eva said it was a calm start to the week. Charlie said it was nice to be quiet and chat to his friends. Katya said she would have enjoyed it more without the rain!

What a lovely start to our day!

Mrs Parsons xx

Compassionate Crew

I have been blown away by the thoughtful and compassionate discussions that happened in Crew Parsons this morning. Today marks one year since the start of the war in Ukraine. We watched the video below and discussed how the children will have been feeling and how lucky we are to live in such a diverse world. We also thought about all the different ways we could help people feel safe and loved in such a scary situation.

We followed that with a minutes reflection.

Feeling sleepy!

Strange goings on in Class 5 today – everyone is feeling sleepy and forgot to put their uniform on! They have told me it’s because they are raising money for Sheffield Children’s Hospital ❤️

Class Connections

We have been thinking in crew today about all the different things that make us unique – we then realised that all of those things that make us special help us to make connections too.

Just look how connected we really are with our class five jigsaw.

Mrs Parsons x

Let’s Connect

We are thinking about the connections we make with others this week as we mark ‘Children’s Mental Health Week 2023.’

We decorated jigsaw pieces to show the activities we do that help us to connect with others.

In crew we played the hooola hoop game, talking about the connections we have made as we passed the hoop around the circle.

Positive connections help us to keep our minds happy and healthy. We are all connected!

Tranquil Tuesday

This morning in crew we shared a lovely story called The Invisible String. In the book the characters think about all the people they are connected to in the world.

We decided to have a think about all the connections we have and made our own invisible string web – we felt very loved and supported in our crew today because of all of our special connections. ❤️