Beetroot smoothie

This week we have learnt about beetroot and found out why they are good for our bodies. We followed instructions to make a yummy beetroot smoothie.

Creative Construction.

Yesterday Nursery showed what creative chameleons and teamwork tigers they can be, as they constructed collaboratively using Duplo. There were a range of thoughtful models created and all groups or individuals described their creations, answering who, what and why questions practising their listening and attention skills.

Little chicks…..

We have had lots of excitement in EYFS this week with the delivery of some eggs from the Happy Chick Company. We have observed the eggs as the chicks have hatched. We have been mesmerised by them…..

We have learnt how to look after the eggs and also the chicks as they have hatched:

We can’t wait to hold them when they get a little bit stronger!

Cheep Cheep…

The children in EYFS were delighted to find that we had some eggs delivered from the Happy Chick Company. We were even more excited to discover that our first chicks have hatched today! The children were in awe…

We have been reading ‘How Does An Egg Hatch?’ by Eric Carle and have been learning the meaning of some key vocabulary from the story.

We have been thinking of how we can look after our chicks whilst they are in our care. The children have helped prepare the brooder box so it is cosy and warm ready for our chicks to move into.The children have also created some beautiful work about how to care for our chicks…

The children are showing such kindness and love towards our special friends. What super stars you are!

Spinach Cake

Year 1 enjoyed a treat today when Mrs Wojcik brought in a spinach cake she had made. Most of us had never had a green cake before and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Thank you Mrs Wojcik, we’d love it if you could share the recipe with us.

The life cycle of a caterpillar.

This week Nursery have become Scientists by observing the changes that happen in animals as part of our first case study, through our key text The Very Hungry Caterpillar for a second week. The children have closely examined the pictures within our story to work out what the physical changes in the caterpillar are. An egg, a tiny caterpillar, a cocoon or chrysalis and then a butterfly. Some of the words used to describe the above were as follows;

Egg – “Circle”, “Tiny”, “Bubble”, “White”, “Spot” and “Dot”.

Caterpillar – “Tiny”, “Big, fat caterpillar”, “Wriggly”, “Green” and “Bumpy”.

Cocoon – “Like a sleeping bag”, “shell”, “like a stick”, “Wood” and “egg”.

Butterfly – “Rainbow”, “Beautiful”, “Wings” and “Flappy”.

Nursery read another text which focused more on the life cycle and explained how the changes take place called Little Caterpillar by Autumn Publishing. I then modelled to the children how to draw a life cycle to help embed the cycle in their minds and demonstrate it was a loop (cycle) that started over and over again.

In our provision the children had the opportunity to explore and examine toys representing the life cycle.

We consolidated the events that helped make the life cycle process possible by playing the fruit game. The caterpillar ate lots of fruit to be able to make him grow. The children had to listen and run to a fruit called out by their grown up as part of activating our brains, it was lots of fun!

The children also revisited their previous learning from the week before when they painted beautiful pictures of the fruit. They each looked closely at their pictures and chose at least one piece of fruit and (with support and modelling) began to write the first letter sound for that item using their phonetic knowledge. Eg; Banana – b, Apple – a or Strawberry – s.

In provision the children independently used collage to create beautiful pictures of fruit and the caterpillar at various stages. They also created beautiful butterflies in the play dough and on the painting easel.

As the week progressed the children each worked with an adult and explained the process of the butterfly life cycle using the toys as physical props to help organise and consolidate their understanding of the life cycle. They were each recorded and were able to recall key vocabulary and other significant events within the story. Such beautiful work!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week in Reception we have continued to be storytellers using ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story to inspire our learning. We have continued to put actions to the story so that we can act it out from beginning to end. We are getting very good at remembering all of the key vocabulary and using our words in the correct order.

We have also enjoyed taking part in lots of activities in our provision areas. We have used finger paints to create our own caterpillars, making sure we added the correct amount of parts to the body. We have been scientists by finding out about life cycles and have also used our phonic knowledge to write simple sentences about The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


Class 3 have been on a fact finding mission this afternoon, finding and reading interesting facts about carrots to add to our anchor charts. It was lovely to see how confidently they applied their phonics skills to the challenge.

They also learnt a new skill and got to grips with a new piece of equipment whilst peeling the carrots.

In art we looked carefully at the detail on the carrots when completing our line drawings. We critiqued our first drafts thinking about how we could improve them.

We’re looking forward to completing our carrotfact files