Campsall Church Fieldwork

We have spent a beautiful morning completing fieldwork in the sunshine! We walked to Campsall Church and had a tour. We found out lots of historical information about the church and saw lots of the items we have been learning about in our RE lessons.

Mrs Parsons x

Resilient Artists

We began our art case study this afternoon by looking at Doncaster landmarks and beginning to create pieces to represent them. We began with the Yorkshire Y. We though about tints and tones and practised our colour mixing skills to help us with our final pieces whilst some of us got drafting!

I was blown away with the perseverance and resilience shown to create the perfect shape. We thought about critique and redrafting and we were really proud of our creations.

Keep it up Class 5 – you’re creating beautiful work!

Mrs Parsons xx

Spots and Dots

We had a great community meeting this morning. We thought really hard about resilience and bravery particularly when it comes to completing beautiful work that we might find tricky.

We listened to the story called The Dot about a little girl called Vashti who found art difficult but worked hard and succeeded. We all got a dot of our very own to create our own mini piece of art work which we put together to make our very own dotty masterpiece.

We finished our community meeting with crew champions – we are really proud of all of you.

Mrs Parsons

Human and Physical Features

Class Five have blown me away today with their Geography skills. We started by thinking about the differences between human and physical features. We worked collaboratively to sort images into the two groups, we kept reflecting and changing our minds the more we went through the construct part of our lesson. Finally we used our learning to identify these features on different maps of Doncaster.

Awesome job guys ⭐️

Mayor of Doncaster

We were so lucky to end our week with some more experts. We welcomed Mayor Ros Jones along with the Civic Mayor of Doncaster. We loved learning about their roles and finding out even more about Doncaster. We are looking forward to using our learning to answer our guiding question for this term – Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?

Position and Direction

We have been working really hard during hook week learning all about position and direction. We used positional language to direct people around Doncaster and we used Donny Dog to learn about turns and clockwise and anticlockwise.

Meet the Author

Key Stage One had an exciting visit from the author Phil Sheppard this morning. He told us all about his love of stories, books and reading as a child and how he became an author. He introduced us to his non fiction books all about Doncaster and shared some of his stories with us before holding a book signing. We’re looking forward to sharing some of our own work with him at the end of our expedition.