Mindful Monday in Crew Parsons

We started our crew circle with a funny check in this morning – how are you feeling?

Then we took our crew circle outside for a walk in the sunshine whilst we shared our news from over half term. When we circled back up we shared something we had found out from someone else in our crew – we even had a squirrel want to join our crew!!

What a lovely way to start the week!

Mrs Parsons xx

Mae Jemison – BBK

Class 5 have been busy this morning building background knowledge and creating anchor charts all about Mae Jemison.

Super research and note taking skills everyone!

Mrs Parsons xx


What a way to start our new case study! Exploring space in the WonderDome. We can’t wait to use what we have found out to help us answer our guiding question – where could your journey take you?

Reading to research

This week we are writing a non-chronological report all about King Charles III. We have been working in pairs to read some existing information to create anchor charts of key facts.

I was really proud of the way you all supported each other to make sure that everyone was able to read and understand the text.

Keep it up,

Mrs Parsons xx

Awesome authors

In class five we have written our own version of the story The Queen’s Hat. Ours is called The King’s Crown. These children were so proud of their work that they read their story out loud to the whole class.

Great work everyone,

Mrs Parsons xx

Fieldwork in the Sunshine ☀️

Class 5 have had a great day in the sunshine exploring Austerfield Study Centre. We tried our hand at orienteering and how working together as a crew was going to help us succeed. We had lunch in the sunshine followed by our own mini exploration where we made journey sticks, maps and studied the nature and environment we were in.

The children all behaved impeccably and were a joy to spend the day with. A huge thank you to Miss Tinker and Mrs Inman who supported us today.

Mrs Parsons xx

Ready for our journey in class 5

Class 5 came to school ready to make a journey! We had explorers, air hostesses and lots of excited holiday makers. We can’t wait to discover our guiding question later today.

Mrs Parsons xx

Reading at The Laurels

A few children from Year Two spent the afternoon reading, colouring and even had a little sing song with some of the residents from The Laurels. It was lovely to see how much everyone involved enjoyed their time together – we are already counting down to our next visit!

Mrs Parsons xx

Final Touches and Bear-ginng our farewells!

The finishing touches have been added to our bear cub, with Olivia completing his head and each child from the foundation stage putting their hand print on his back as part of our community crew. All that remained to do, was for the logos to be attached and the bear to be varnished before Crewso began his journey to Leeds to join the Leeds Bear Hunt for the summer.

Crewso said his farewells to Norton and began his journey all shiny and proud, to represent the children of Norton Campus!

He was excited to meet his new temporary crew when he arrived in Leeds, stopping for a minute to take in the view of the River Aire across Rose Wharf in the sunshine. Then he happily climbed the stairs and joined his pack ready to be situated in his new home somewhere in Leeds City Centre. He’s going to let us know exactly where he is soon, so that we can all go and visit him! Have fun Crewso! #leedsbearhunt #leedsbearhunt2023 #leedshospitalscharity