Dead, Alive or Never Alive?

We have been learning about life processes in class five this morning. We have then been using our iPads to apply our knowledge to work out what is dead, alive or has never been alive.

I wonder how many you could get right? Here is the link to have a go!

Great job Scientists 🔎

Crew Thurman

It’s been a busy week in Crew Thurman – we have been busy preparing for our Student Led Conferences next week – we are looking forward to sharing them with our grown ups.

We spent Flexible Friday playing games – we thought it was a great end to the week!

We are looking forward to next week already,.

Mrs Thurman 😊

Predicting Pip

We kicked off our new expedition by making predictions about what we thought our immersion week text could be about!

We then read the book The Blue Giant and tried to work out what the important message is.

Great start class five!

Making Someone Smile at Christmas 🎄EYFS Final Product…

This term the EYFS children completed an expedition titled ‘Exploring Our World’. We were hooked into our learning with a visit from an expert and his feathery friends. This piqued an interest in wild birds and their habitats. The children have worked together to assemble and decorate bird boxes that are placed around our school and community.

We decided that we were going to give the residents at The Laurels Care Home some of the bird boxes that we made. We wanted to enhance their garden area and thought they would enjoy watching the local wildlife from their windows. Some of our Year Two children kindly delivered them for us and they are now sitting under their Christmas tree. We hope that it brings a smile to their faces.

While the year two children were there, we sang some Christmas songs for the residents too. It was truly a beautiful, heart warming moment that both the children and residents enjoyed.

We would like to wish all the staff and residents at The Laurels a very Merry Christmas and we hope to see you all again very soon 🎄 xx


A Truly Magical Time of the Year…

We were super excited this morning to take part in our very special assembly. Mr West visited our school again and this time he taught us about the Christmas celebrations. We enjoyed acting out the Christmas story, singing Christmas songs and discussing the meaning of Christmas. We loved learning about this special festival and we are looking forward to exploring it further in our RE lessons. Thank you Mr West for making this time of year even more magical for our school!

Rangoli Maths

This morning in maths we reminded ourselves of what a Rangoli pattern is and why we see them around Diwali time. They are to welcome Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth.

We then used our 2D knowledge to analyse some patterns before completing them.

Beautiful Maths everyone x

Odd Sock Day 2023

Class Five have got involved in Odd Sock Day today. It is a day when schools, workplaces, and individuals join together to show that it’s okay to be different.

We used our early work time to design some funky odd socks too!

Well done Class 5 🧦