Our beautiful work

We have been learning about shapes in Maths this week. In a silent conversation the children listed their examples of the 2d shapes that they can see in our classroom and then we shared our ideas in ‘popcorn’. We also worked hard with our writing and created some beautiful pieces of work.

XP on tour!

Today, we were really lucky, Geoff and Dave came to perform for us. We really enjoyed experiencing live music. We even got to join in and become musicians – we sang a Beatles song!

Musician of the Week

As I’m sure the children have told you – as part of this expedition, one of our ongoing case studies is going to be Music. To help us ensure the children are exposed to a wide range of musicians and genres, both past and present, we are going to be having a musician of the week.

We will be listening to music from the artist/s each morning as the children enter the classroom and we will be learning more about the artist as the week goes on.

Each week we will add a playlist to our website and ClassDojo pages, this will enable you to share in the Musician of the Week and listen along at home too!

We had a great time this morning dancing around the classroom to our first musician/s – Abba!


Mrs Parsons xxx

Key Stage One Student Led Conferences

Hello parents/carers,

As the Autumn term draws to a close and we all begin to wind down for the Christmas break, we would like to invite parents and carers into school during the first two weeks back in January to attend your child’s student-led conference (SLC).

In this 10 minute session, your child, accompanied by their teacher or crew leader, will walk you through their journey so far. Children will talk about their achievements, challenges and next steps as well as showing you their favourite pieces of beautiful work.

Days are Monday (9th), Tuesday (10th), Wednesday (11th) There are morning, afternoon and evening slots available.

Please complete the form below by the deadline which is Thursday 15th December at 5pm.

Many thanks,

Key Stage One Team xx
