Home learning

I am extremely proud of all the children at home who are working incredibly hard every day with their learning. They demonstrate their resilience, enthusiasm and positive attitude to everything they do!!! I do receive lots of beautiful photographs showing your work and would like to say a huge thank you for your engagement and contribution.

English in the woods

In English class 4 looked at the picture and used some great adjectives and similes to describe the place. We went to the Grufallo wood in our school grounds to help us generate the ideas.

Critiquing memory boxes

Class 4 had a wonderful time critiquing memory boxes and choosing the right one for Beegu. The children have worked in their groups ‘think…pair…share…’ their ideas and designed their memory boxes thinking about the material, shape, colours, patterns and equipment.

Using descriptive language

Class 4 had a great time acting out the story and creating their own scenes. The children have used fantastic adjectives and similes when writing about Beegu’s world.

‘POPCORN’ in English

In English we acted out the story about Beegu. Then we used ‘popcorn’ idea to respond to the question: What does Beegu say in the story? The children worked with their partners sharing and discussing their ideas.

Fun when learning about numbers

We have had a fun week finding 1more/1 less than a number. We have used some practical resources and played exciting games to support our learning.

Exploring materials

Class 4 had have a very exciting week investigating, testing and finding out about the properties of materials. We have made an experiment to learn about waterproof and absorbent materials. It was very engaging and interesting activity to do. We had lots of fun experimenting with water!!!

Celebrating our beautiful work

This week we have been busy working on our writing sentences, finding different ways to represent numbers and developing our creative skills when making collage in Art.