Class 4 had an exciting afternoon finding out how to use Ipads to take high quality photographs, view them and critique to plan next steps. We enjoyed our expert visit, who showed us different types of cameras and answered our questions.
Category : Class 4
Class 4 learn different startegies to be able to subtract numbers. We have used ten frames, bar models and counters to represent numbers and find the difference between them.
Maths Week in Class 4
This week we have had so much fun celebrating maths week, solving problems, reasoning, playing maths games, making number artwork and looking for different 2D shapes around us.
This week in Class 4
We started our school week with a Halloween disco and had a great time when dancing and singing songs together. This week we look at the artwork of Quentin Blake and learn to draw characters in his style. On Wednesday we had our school vistor who trained us to be a First Air Super Stars!
Rosa Parks fact gathering
Class 4 have been learning about champions throughout history. This week we learn about Rosa Parks. We use information technology to search for some interesting facts and share them with our learning partners. We have also enjoyed our active phonics this week!
Learning in Class 4
This week we have enjoyed learning about colour mixing, counting forwards and backwards in maths and walking around our classroom to find words with our new sound. The children worked extremely hard with their phonics and writing. Well done Class 4!
Fantastic learning in Class 4
We have a great time when learning how to sort, count and find different ways to represent numbers in maths. In crew we work with our partners to read books and develop our phonics. We support each other, share ideas and praise for being resilinet and working hard.
This week in Class 4
We show our resilinece and enthusiasm when learning phonics, reading and handwriting in our English labs. We have discussed our Howl’s in crew and looked at different ways of sorting objects in maths.
Our first expert visit
In crew we discussed our expert visitor protocol and came up with some interesting questions to ask Ros Jones.
First week back to school
Class 4 have started their week with getting to know each other activities, crew time, team building tasks and having a lovely time with friends!