Better World Day 2022

We will be celebrating Better World Day on Thursday 5th May (a day early). We are asking children to come into school wearing something blue or yellow. We are asking for voluntary contributions of 50p to raise money to send funds directly into Ukraine to support those in need. We will be talking about Better World Day in crew this week too.

Thank you all for your support,

 Mrs Parsons xx

Hook week in Class 4

W have been having so much fun this week having a go with lots of exciting activities. We had a gallery walk when looking at our beautiful 3d models of landmarks; we went for a walk around our local area and had a fantastic coffee morning on Friday. Thank you to our parents and grandparents for joining us and sharing their memories of school and our local area.

Amazing Aerial Photography

Yesterday we were very lucky to be visited by Geoff and his drone. He talked to the children about aerial photography and different ways we can take photos. We then went outside and watched Geoff fly his drone 120 meters up in the air! He took some amazing photos of school and the surrounding areas.

Please keep this date in your diary…

Thursday 21st April (Year 2 -9.00-9.30) 

Friday 22nd April (Year 1 – 9.00 – 9.30) 

In our next expedition we are looking in detail at Norton and our local area, including the history of our school and community. We would like to invite family members to an informal coffee morning where you can have a drink and a bun while sharing your experiences of how Norton and our school  have  changed over the years. If you have experience of living in a contrasting area too then it would be great for the children to be able to compare. Even better, if you have old photographs to share then we would love to see them.

Thank you

Key stage 1 team x

Red Nose Day

In Class 4 we have learnt why people celebrate Red Nose Day and discussed how everyone can get involved to support this amazing campaign. We have designed Red Nose Day Noses.

World Book Day Fun

Class 4 have had a wonderful day reading books, acting out our favourite stories, playing ‘Who am I’ reading quizzes, creating a story circle, sharing books with our friends and reading books with expression!

Being Geographers

This week Class 4 went on a scavenger hunt to find anything that links to geography. We discussed what geography means and looked at maps, atlases and earth globes to learn about coninents and oceans.

This week in Class 4

We have had a very exciting week learning about animals and exploring habitats. We loved our silent conversation when we worked in our teams to match animals to their homes. The children worked extremely hard when using ICT and nonfiction books to find facts about their animals and they shared their presentation in front of the class. This week we had lots of fun in PE and Maths lessons.

This week in Class 4

We have been very busy this week exploring 2d and 3d shapes, making patterns and sorting shapes. We have been working with our partners and supporting one another when learning about the features of non-chronological reports, reading texts and discussing them.