Crew Champions

We launched our brand new crew champion awards in our Community Meeting today! It was lovely to hear crew leaders and children talk about each others howls and character traits.

Well done to our first group of recipients including our Miss Tinker!

We are looking forward to next week already!

Mrs Parsons xx

Reading for pleasure in Crew

A lovely start to our day in Year One, sharing our love of books. Harper said reading this morning has made her “feel happy”, Teddi said his book was “exciting” and Quinn said reading with her friend made her feel “calm”.

Read a book day…

We celebrated the day by sharing lots of lovely stories and making bookmarks in Class 3. We are going to enjoy spending time in our reading area this year exploring many more books.

A great start to the year in Class 3

We have had a lovely Crew Week getting to know each other and having lots of fun together.

We met our Year 6 crew buddies and we shared stories together:

We also made some delicious biscuits to gift to the Year 6 children who were so kind and caring throughout our time with them:

We are looking forward to another fabulous week next week.

Year One Celebration of Learning

Class 3 did an amazing job of sharing their learning from our latest expedition ‘North, East, South, West: Where will your journey take you?’, with their adults from home. It is amazing to see how much they have all grown throughout their time in Year One. Well done everyone.

Walking challenge

This week in our crew sessions we have been promoting walking and discussing the benefits of this. We walk for inclusion, sustainability, health, mindfulness and for friendship. We have loved the sunny mornings, getting outside and walking around our beautiful school grounds then checking out with a word or caption to describe how walking makes us feel. Some of the words used by our Year One children were, ’happy’, ’joyful’, ’calm’, peaceful’, ’lively’ and ’closer to nature’.

What a great day at Austerfield for Year One….

Final Touches and Bear-ginng our farewells!

The finishing touches have been added to our bear cub, with Olivia completing his head and each child from the foundation stage putting their hand print on his back as part of our community crew. All that remained to do, was for the logos to be attached and the bear to be varnished before Crewso began his journey to Leeds to join the Leeds Bear Hunt for the summer.

Crewso said his farewells to Norton and began his journey all shiny and proud, to represent the children of Norton Campus!

He was excited to meet his new temporary crew when he arrived in Leeds, stopping for a minute to take in the view of the River Aire across Rose Wharf in the sunshine. Then he happily climbed the stairs and joined his pack ready to be situated in his new home somewhere in Leeds City Centre. He’s going to let us know exactly where he is soon, so that we can all go and visit him! Have fun Crewso! #leedsbearhunt #leedsbearhunt2023 #leedshospitalscharity