Our first week back…
Spooky Cosmic Yoga fun… We love copying the skeleton dance! Spider pose! Learning all about 3 and drawing triangles. Adding 3 spooky ingredients to a spell! Retelling The Gruffalo… How sneaky these two letters make one sound!
We have had such a great first few days back after our half term break. We have had a fabulous few spooky days, a Halloween disco, a new spooky Maths area to create spells – we needed to count ingredients into little cauldrons! We have enjoyed reading Room On The Broom and The Gruffalo!
Class Two are so Kind
Our day was brightened in Class Five today as we received a special delivery of crispy buns just to brighten our day from our friends in class two. What a kind thing to do – they were delicious! You must have worked so hard making them, we really appreciate your random act of kindness.
Little Artists in the making…..
We looked at the large tree in our garden area. We noticed that the leaves are still green and are all still on the tree. We wonder what it will look like when we come back to school after the half term break?
We created pictures which were inspired by the artist Guiseppe Archimboldo:
We are going to sketch our work next…..we look forward to seeing what they look like when they are complete.
Investigating Pumpkins…
How can we open them? Shall we smash them? So many seeds… I’m strong enough to open it… It’s heavy… Nearly inside both now! Yes we did it! Look at all of the seeds! It’s yucky … but I want another go! I’m not sure whether I like it … but I love investigating! Seeds… there are LOADS! This one is slimy… Wow! Can I have a turn? It’s heavy … and it smells funny! I am sooooo strong! No seeds left in this bit! It smells funny … and it feels a bit funny too! I like this … I like seeing inside! Counting… Can I play here all day – I love investigating pumpkins! Digging deep to pull out the stringy bits! I emptied it!
What a fabulous day in Class 2…
We have been thinking about the same and different…
Today we have tried to create a model and then add something new to it to make it look different. We had so much fun constructing!
Thoughtful Thursday – What does happiness look like?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What a busy day…
Our curiosity cube had lots of new items this morning… Bumpy but smooth … Designing before creating… What makes me the same…?? Designing a flowering garden on the roof of a house… I think there might be some seeds inside… Our new autumn tray… super excited about our new learning. Enjoying the sunshine outside. Can you find me one?