Hook week fun in Reception

This week we have been having great fun trying to guess what our Summer Term expedition is all about.

Norton by the sea

We are excited to find out what else will happen this week and also what we will be learning about in the Summer Term.

What a treat …

Wow… this morning we were lucky enough to be able to watch the Year 2 children rehearsing for the Dance Competition that is being held at Campsmount Academy tomorrow. We were blown away by their talent. Good luck everyone!

Signs of Spring…

Yesterday we went on a walk to spot signs of Spring in our Crew time. We spotted lots of daffodils growing and realised this was a great sign of Spring. This morning have investigated daffodils. Some were still to open, some were in full bloom and some were trapped and frozen! We have painted daffodils, drawn daffodils, created daffodils and have even sung a song about daffodils! We used an iPad to take photographs of our investigations and loved looking at the pictures we had taken!