Hoppy Easter!

Wishing you all a ‘Hoppy Easter’…

We had a very special visitor today… Easter Bunny dropped off a chocolate egg for us to take home! It was very exciting…

Finding the magic in science…

This week in reception the children have been scientists. We have been learning about how things grow and how we care for plants. We planted our very own cress seeds. It’s been great watching them grow…

We wanted to find out about how plants absorb water. We carried out the ‘celery colour change’ experiment. We discovered that tiny tubes transport the water and it moves up into the celery.

Finally we investigated things that change state. We made predictions about things that melt and things that won’t melt. The children enjoyed passing around the ice and feeling it changing state. The excitement continues tomorrow when we will be melting chocolate and making something yummy!

NIS – Poetry Jam 📚😊

Over the past few weeks the children have been learning poems in our ‘Tranquil Tuesday’ crew sessions. This afternoon we all performed our poems to one another. The children were amazing! It was so lovely to hear lots of poems and to see so many happy faces 😊 . Well done everyone!

Class 1 – Celebration of Learning 🌟📚

In the Spring of 2024, EYFS pupils studied a cross-curricular expedition titled ‘Once Upon a Time’’ looking to answer the guiding question ‘Who is hiding in the pages of this book?’  The expedition moved through three case studies each focussing on key events within traditional fairy tales.

Today the children got to share their learning with their grown ups in our celebration of learning event. We sang ‘watch out for the troll’ and ‘Gingerbread man on the run’, the children performed them beautifully! We also got to share what our favourite fairytale over the expedition has been. Finally, the children were presented with a story book that they will keep as a lasting reminder of our ‘Once upon a time’ expedition. In the book is a QR code that leads to a video of our EYFS children singing a fairytale song. We hope you enjoy watching this performance 🌟

A huge well done to all the children for working so hard and putting on a great presentation. Also a big thank you to our families for coming along. It really was a lovely event 😊

One magical day in March 📚🌟

The children arrived on World Book Day looking like they had jumped right out of the pages of a book! Super effort from everyone. You all looked brilliant!

We read one of our favourite stories in class 1 called ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’ . The children then made their very own disgusting sandwiches! They were truly revolting!

We also got creative making Gruffalo and fox faces…

We then heard the sounds of someone singing…only to see Willy Wonka roly poly straight into our classroom! We each got given a wonka chocolate bar and one lucky child discovered a golden ticket. Mason was our lucky winner. What a fantastic experience for all the children!

The fun didn’t end there! We each got to roll out and decorate our very own gingerbread man. They were delicious! 

The Tiger actually came for tea…

We got to find Wally with Wally…

We’ve had such a magical day. A big thanks goes out to all those who made it so special 😊

I hope you all end World Book Day snuggled in bed with a book. In the words of Dr Seuss…

Kindness changes everything 🌟

This morning in crew we discussed what being kind looks like. We each thought of something that we had done this week that showed kindness to someone else. We wrote down our acts of kindness onto leaves and put them onto our crew kindness trees. I think we may need to make bigger trees because of all the kind hearts we have in Class 1!

Ready, Steady, Read! 📕

Over half term the children took part in a sponsored reading event in partnership with Usborne Books. Their challenge was to read as much as possible and in an unusual or exciting place. We have loved sharing their photographs and Miss Tunney chose Pippa Evans as the winning entry. How exciting to read in the cockpit of a plane!

We feel extremely grateful to the children and their families for raising a phenomenal £3303!

This money will be used to buy new library books for our schools. Thank you so much!

Working hard in class 1 🌟

The children have enjoyed being back with their friends, making models, sharing stories and learning together ❤

This week the children in Reception have been exploring the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. The children then enjoyed tasting some delicious pancakes…