Our first community meeting…

This week in reception we have been talking to the children about our Habits of Working and Learning, which are, WORK HARD, GET SMART and BE KIND. Today we got to celebrate our stars of the week. We must say a huge well done to all of the children for settling into full time school so seamlessly.

Here are this weeks stars…

What an amazing start!

The children in Class 1 have settled in beautifully this week. They have enjoyed getting to know all the different areas of the classroom…

We’ve loved exploring our new outdoor area…

Every child is an artist…

Over the past two weeks the children across Norton Campus have been creating a piece of artwork that represents an olympic sport. The children have well and truly showcased their talents and artistic flair and have produced some beautiful artwork. Today we got chance to see the work they have created and we went on a Norton Campus gallery walk. Here’s what we saw…

The children took great pleasure in walking around both sites looking at the beautiful artwork that was on display…

The children across Norton Campus also wrote some beautiful postcards to one another which were warmly received and made everyone smile 🙂

Thank you to all those involved in this. It was a great success!

A sporting week…

This week the children have loved taking part in lots of races, including the egg and spoon race and hurdles! Take a look at them in action…

We have also taken part in a daily mile and even ran the final lap!

We enjoyed a well earned treat when we got back to the classroom…

Kindness is contagious!

The reception children have enjoyed a wonderful treat today. They each received a hand written postcard and a delicious box of chocolate treats from our year 3 and 4 children as a thank you for all their hard work in their recent expedition ‘What happens where the sea meets the shore?’

The children were delighted and it has encouraged us to think about kind gestures that you can make that would make someones day.

Celebrations and ice lollies!

Over the duration of this expedition the children have engaged in critical thinking about how to care for our seas, considering how we can make a difference to a big problem.

Today the children enjoyed performing the ‘sea shanty’ and ‘oh I do like to be beside the seaside’ in our celebration of learning to parents. We also got to watch a video that encapsulates the beautiful work our EYFS children have produced in this expedition. Each child got to take home a sticker for their blue bin to remind them of the importance of recycling at home.

It was great to see the children sharing their learning journey’s with parents and enjoying a well deserved ice lolly. What an amazing expedition! Well done for working so hard and showing such care and concern for our planet.

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside…

The children have been hooked into our final case study ‘Why is the seaside a special place to be?’ A special experience during this case study was the live Punch and Judy show performed by Mr Dan. The children were full of laughter and smiles throughout the performance.

The children have spoken about their own experiences of visiting the seaside and what we see there. Furthermore, we have uncovered similarities and differences of seasides now and in the past. 

In class, we decided to get creative and make our own ice creams. The children then took it upon themselves to make an ice cream shop using the big bricks. What a great idea!

World Ocean Day

Today the children in EYFS wore something blue to celebrate ‘World Ocean Day’. The children revisited previous learning from our summer expedition ‘What happens where the sea meets the shore?’ They spoke about plastic pollution and how we can make a difference. Moreover, they did so with such maturity.

Yet again the children in class 1 have been saving our seas beyond the classroom. These pictures were shared by parents who informed me that Willow and Aurora have been asking to pick up rubbish in their local area. Huge well done for lending a hand and making a difference! You’re amazing!

How to draw a pirate

The children in reception have enjoyed learning how to draw a pirate in the style of Simon Rickerty’s ‘Ten Little Pirates’. The children showed high levels of concentration and engagement. As a result they produced some high quality work that blew us away…

Doing the Ocean Jam…

The children have enjoyed learning about musical instruments this week. We learned a song called ‘Ocean Jam’ and the children carefully selected instruments to play for each section of the song. We sang, danced and played to the beat of the music! What a jam!

We are looking forward to performing our song to the nursery children in our community meeting tomorrow.