Tranquil Tuesday

It was lovely to wander around our school this morning and see all of the fantastic things happening in our crew sessions – we had children reflecting on their howls, sharing stories and talking about their feelings using our zones of regulation. What a way to start the day!

Mrs Parsons 🌞

Seaside holidays in the past

Better World Day 2022

We will be celebrating Better World Day on Thursday 5th May (a day early). We are asking children to come into school wearing something blue or yellow. We are asking for voluntary contributions of 50p to raise money to send funds directly into Ukraine to support those in need. We will be talking about Better World Day in crew this week too.

Thank you all for your support,

 Mrs Parsons xx

Hook week fun in Reception

This week we have been having great fun trying to guess what our Summer Term expedition is all about.

Norton by the sea

We are excited to find out what else will happen this week and also what we will be learning about in the Summer Term.

What a treat …

Wow… this morning we were lucky enough to be able to watch the Year 2 children rehearsing for the Dance Competition that is being held at Campsmount Academy tomorrow. We were blown away by their talent. Good luck everyone!

Spring time

We explored the outdoors, looking for signs of spring in our environment. We then talked about what we saw in crew and shared our ideas:

Getting creative

We then looked closely at spring flowers and used different media and materials to create our own: