Class five are showing their resilience this afternoon. They have been studying the art work of Quentin Blake and are now drawing themselves in the same style. I can’t wait to see the finished product!
Category : Beautiful Work
Random acts of kindness in Nursery
In Nursery we have been thinking about what it means to be kind. As part of our expedition, we decided to make some beautiful pictures for Mrs Greening and Mrs Smith who work so hard in our school office. The children loved creating and presenting the artwork and everyone agreed that our acts of kindness made everyone feel so happy.
Class 1 self portraits in the style of Picasso
Some of us copied Picasso’s artwork
Nursery celebrations
As part of our hook week in Nursery, children loved decorating buns and having a party to celebrate our puppet Muddle’s birthday.
Nursery Sports Day
Our children had lots of fun keeping fit and healthy on our sports day. Well done everyone! You have had an amazing year in Nursery!
Our Lock Down Time Capsule
Year Two have been busy sharing memories from over the past year to add to their time capsule. We have buried it and plan to open it again when we reach year six – we wonder how much the world will have changed by then?
It’s a Cracker!
Presenting our Christmas show – It’s a Cracker!
The children have all worked so hard, we are incredibly proud of them, enjoy …
Merry Christmas from us all at Norton Infant School
Please see our school contributions to this week in the XP Trust.
Please see our school contributions to this week in the XP Trust.
This week was Mental Health Awareness Week and this year the theme was kindness. Have a look of some of our children being kind at home at home.