Our Lock Down Time Capsule

Year Two have been busy sharing memories from over the past year to add to their time capsule. We have buried it and plan to open it again when we reach year six – we wonder how much the world will have changed by then?


Mental Health Awareness Week

This week was Mental Health Awareness Week and this year the theme was kindness. Have a look of some of our children being kind at home at home.


Where in the world would you go?

Our children in key stage one started their new expedition this week. We have all been so impressed by the amazing learning happening at home which is helping us to start  to answer the guiding question – ‘Where in the world would you go?’

Look at all the beautiful work that has been happening so far during our immersion week ..

Who lives in a house like this?

We might not be together in school but our nursery and reception children (and their grown ups!) have made a fantastic start on their expedition ‘Who lives in a house like this?’. So far they have thought about the traditional tales, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Have a look at some of the incredible work they have done so far …