Our Nursery children have been busy making paper flowers to gift to their friends in school.
Category : Beautiful Work
No Pen Day Wednesday – 2021
Today in class five we put down our pencils and got talking. We have had a brilliant day of communication and collaboration. Have a look at what we got up to …
We began the day by trying to solve riddles for our early work – can you solve them?
Next we had our Wise Wednesday crew thinking about our pledges to help with our expedition ‘What Will I do to be a hero in my Community?’
Phonics we played some games and got a little bit competitive!
English was some hot seating. We thought really carefully about the questions we would like to ask the characters in our core text – Matilda. We had great fun, getting in role and pretending we were Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull to answer the questions.
Maths was solving some tricky addition problems using lots of different practical resources.
Remembrance Day
Our Nursery children make poppy biscuits as part of our learning about Remembrance Day.
Arcimboldo Artwork
Our Nursery children were really creative and had lots of fun producing their Arcimboldo artwork.
Maths Week in Class 3
We have had so much fun celebrating maths week in Class 3.
We used numbers in our art work.
We chose equipment that would help us with our addition number sentences.
We demonstrated concentration and resilience during our problem solving.
We practised our maths skills whilst playing fun games with our friends.
Art in Class 3
We’ve had fun this week studying the work of the illustrator Quentin Blake. Our challenge has been to draw ourselves in his style. We’ve worked hard to improve our drafts, critiquing our work with our friends.
Watch this space for our finished work!
Artists in the making …
Class five are showing their resilience this afternoon. They have been studying the art work of Quentin Blake and are now drawing themselves in the same style. I can’t wait to see the finished product!
Random acts of kindness in Nursery
In Nursery we have been thinking about what it means to be kind. As part of our expedition, we decided to make some beautiful pictures for Mrs Greening and Mrs Smith who work so hard in our school office. The children loved creating and presenting the artwork and everyone agreed that our acts of kindness made everyone feel so happy.
Class 1 self portraits in the style of Picasso
Some of us copied Picasso’s artwork
Nursery celebrations
As part of our hook week in Nursery, children loved decorating buns and having a party to celebrate our puppet Muddle’s birthday.