Celebrating Chinese New Year…

After a week of exploring and investigating in our Curiosity Cube we are finally celebrating all things Chinese New Year!

We moved like dragons in PE… dancing, breathing fire, wiggling our tails, flapping our wings, roaring and tip-toeing. We moved around the room in a long line. It was lots of fun!
Investigating and exploring Chinese foods … we will be tasting some food later!
Look… I can pick up pieces of rice!
We’ve drawn dragons and made models of fire-breathing dragons.

Exploring habitats in Class 3

This week Class 3 have been exploring habitats and the animals that live there. We’ve researched with our partners using books and the internet and have enjoyed watching lots of interesting videos that have helped us to learn more about habitats around the world. We are looking forward to completing our presentations and sharing them in crew.

No Pen Day Wednesday – 2021

Today in class five we put down our pencils and got talking. We have had a brilliant day of communication and collaboration. Have a look at what we got up to …

We began the day by trying to solve riddles for our early work – can you solve them?

Next we had our Wise Wednesday crew thinking about our pledges to help with our expedition ‘What Will I do to be a hero in my Community?’

Phonics we played some games and got a little bit competitive!

English was some hot seating. We thought really carefully about the questions we would like to ask the characters in our core text – Matilda. We had great fun, getting in role and pretending we were Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull to answer the questions.

Maths was solving some tricky addition problems using lots of different practical resources.

Maths Week in Class 3

We have had so much fun celebrating maths week in Class 3.

We used numbers in our art work.

We chose equipment that would help us with our addition number sentences.

We demonstrated concentration and resilience during our problem solving.

We practised our maths skills whilst playing fun games with our friends.

Art in Class 3

We’ve had fun this week studying the work of the illustrator Quentin Blake. Our challenge has been to draw ourselves in his style. We’ve worked hard to improve our drafts, critiquing our work with our friends.

Watch this space for our finished work!