Reading at The Laurels

A few children from Year Two spent the afternoon reading, colouring and even had a little sing song with some of the residents from The Laurels. It was lovely to see how much everyone involved enjoyed their time together – we are already counting down to our next visit!

Mrs Parsons xx

Final Touches and Bear-ginng our farewells!

The finishing touches have been added to our bear cub, with Olivia completing his head and each child from the foundation stage putting their hand print on his back as part of our community crew. All that remained to do, was for the logos to be attached and the bear to be varnished before Crewso began his journey to Leeds to join the Leeds Bear Hunt for the summer.

Crewso said his farewells to Norton and began his journey all shiny and proud, to represent the children of Norton Campus!

He was excited to meet his new temporary crew when he arrived in Leeds, stopping for a minute to take in the view of the River Aire across Rose Wharf in the sunshine. Then he happily climbed the stairs and joined his pack ready to be situated in his new home somewhere in Leeds City Centre. He’s going to let us know exactly where he is soon, so that we can all go and visit him! Have fun Crewso! #leedsbearhunt #leedsbearhunt2023 #leedshospitalscharity

It’s Bearly Believable…

But yes, Norton Infant School has it’s very own Bear Cub – Crewso!

A short while ago, I launched a competition to design a limb or part of a large fibre glass bear cub in aid of raising funds for Leeds Children’s Hospital, who are currently supporting one of our families. Below is Bruce, who has found the very first bear on the Leeds Bear Hunt Trail, at Leeds Hospital whilst receiving his treatment.

We have received some beautiful, thoughtful and intricate entries for the competition from most year groups across the campus and I am very proud to announce the artists taking part in the design and decoration of our very own bear cub are…. Ava from 6SO, Evelyn from 4TE, James from 3LG, Olivia in Class 4, Isla in Class 2, Alarna in Class 1 and Lily-Mai in Nursery. As the project forms part of a legacy from our 2022 Foundation Stages Autumn Expedition of “How do we care for the bears?” Every child in the Foundation Stage and Nursery will be contributing their hand print to the final design also.

The artwork on the bear has commenced and each child has been carefully following their designs to produce an outstanding piece of art, which will be displayed in Leeds City Centre over the summer. Everyone is invited to visit our bear and take part in the Leeds Bear Hunt and feel proud that we have contributed to this fantastic event in aid of such a worthy cause. These children are activists making a difference to their community and we are incredibly proud of them. With teamwork and collaboration anything is possible! Here is a sneak peak of what has been happening….

Keep your eyes peeled for the finished bear over the coming week, before it makes it’s trip to Leeds for it’s temporary home over the summer during the trail. After the trail has finished the bear will return to us at the Infant School to live in our EYFS outdoor space as it’s forever home. There will be more fund raising events happening throughout the rest of the school year, to contribute towards the sponsorship of our bear cub, to raise money for the Leeds hospitals charity. As always your support is greatly appreciated and we are truly thankful that we can make a difference together as a community. For more information follow #Leedsbearhunt #Leedsbearhunt2023 #leedshospitalscharity

Our Musical Superstar 🌟

Class 5 have been absolutely blown away this morning!

We always knew our Beatrice was talented but we had no idea just what a superstar she was! We went rogue with our musician of the week today and enjoyed listening to Bea perform a song from Matilda the Musical!

I am definitely getting her autograph! 🌟

Mrs Parsons xxx

Nursery shall remember them.

Nursery have been thinking about Remembrance Day this past week to honour our British Values. The children have learnt about what a poppy is and why we wear poppies; to remember and honour the fallen, the veterans and the serving soldiers and armed forces around the world. Here’s our contribution… Just look at our beautiful work!

We are scientists!

We have been investigating materials to find out which one would be best to build a castle. In crew we worked together to build castles out of paper, fabric, plastic and wood. We then tested them against wind and water.

We wrote letters to the knights to let them know the results of our investigations so that they could build the most secure castles to keep them safe from the big, bad dragon!