During our Thoughtful Thursday Crew this week, Nursery were thinking about animal cruelty following on from our learning about how we can care for animals. The children experienced a toy dog fastened inside a cage, who was crying and whimpering. It was cramped and dark. The children empathised with the dog and were outraged about how he was been treated and his needs not been met. The children consolidated their learning by suggesting what the dog would need to meet his needs, make him happy and live a healthy lifestyle. Some children even linked the dogs emotions to our zones of regulation, suggesting that the dog would be in the blue and red zone.

The children showed kindness towards the dog and suggested that ”he should be let out” and “allowed to play” and ”go to the toilet” or ”have a drink and some food”. We decided to rescue the dog and when the children let the dog out, Nursery cheered. The children wanted the dog to live with our other toy dogs in our tuff tray with comfortable surroundings. ”He’s now in the Green Zone” one of the children remarked. Amazing work Nursery!