Sharing our Stories: 21/03/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit

Top of the Blogs

Class 8: Science Experiment @ Green Top

Y2 Dodgeball Crew @ Plover

How does light travel? @ Carcroft School

E29’s Wise Wednesdays @ XP East

Crew Shakespeare Sporting Stars @ XP Gateshead

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!