To hook Nursery back into our current expedition “How do things grow and change?” Today we took a nature walk as part of our second case study “What happens as a plant grows” to see if the children could spot any signs of growth in our environment. The children donned their finest pair of imaginary magnifying goggles and used all of their senses to investigate the signs of spring around our campus. Here is the evidence that we found…

The children found a variety of springtime flowers beginning to grow including daffodils, crocus, daisies and snowdrops. They also heard the sound of “birds tweeting” and felt the “warm sunshine” on our faces “making us feel hot”. The children also found some mini beasts waking up to start their springtime journey.

Also the children payed tribute to a past member of staff whilst examining her memory garden, by laying daisies that they’d picked, on the special pebbles. A beautiful thought and act of kindness. A wonderful and purposeful Mindful Monday.