Hi Class 6,
I continue to be amazed by your efforts and the beautiful work you’re producing at home! I have put a selection of some of the pictures I have received this week. Even though we may not be in the same classroom we are all still learning together. Thank you for making me smile 🙂
I would also like to thank all the grown ups too, your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Happy Friday
Mrs Chadwick xx

Madison’s persuasive writing has convinced myself and Mr Chadwick to go to Egypt 🙂 Beautiful handwriting as always!

Cian tired his mum out with all the measuring around the house. Look at that concentration 🙂 Great job!

Lucy has been busy researching all about Quentin Blake. Super star!

Lois has made a bed for her dolly and even made her a bedtime story to read all about pandas. Amazing idea!

Jacob looks engrossed in ‘The Ice Monster’, I do miss reading this book to you all Class 6! Happy reading Jacob 🙂

William enjoyed going on his nature trail this week. Great stuff!

Fraser did great on our daily ten challenge. Brilliant!

Hudson had a magnet exploration day. Looks like fun 🙂

Jude wrote about his favourite place. It sounds like fun. Do we all think Jude deserves some fizzy pop for his efforts Class 6 ? 🙂

Sienna drew Quentin Blake’s Willy Wonka. You’re a budding illustrator! Beautiful work!
KEEP UP THE HARD WORK CLASS 6! If I could I would get my prize box out for each and everyone of you xx