Uniform Information

Norton Infant School Uniform

School uniform can be purchased locally at any supermarket. Items with a school logo can be purchased if desired at:

“Made with Love” – Laura
£3.50 per item to embroider parents own items.

You can contact her via Facebook:

Asda Carcroft – HAPPS concession

HAPPS Bentley

Our uniform consists of:

Plain Black orGrey  Trousers/Skirt

Plain Black or Grey Pinafore Dress

Red checked Summer Dress

White or Red Shirt / blouse or Polo shirt

Red Sweatshirt or Cardigan.

PE Kits

Winter Kit (Autumn – Spring 1) Summer Kit (Spring term 2 – Summer)
  • Black or red hoodie or sweatshirt
  • Black, red or white t-shirt
  • Black, navy blue or grey joggers or sports leggings
  • Sports trainers
  • Named water bottle
  • Black, red or white t-shirt
  • Black, navy blue or grey shorts
  • Sports trainers
  • Named water bottle

As our children have PE lessons, hall and playground activities most days it is ​requested that they do not wear jewellery at all for school​. If a child has pierced ears, ​small plain studs may be worn but must be removed for PE. Plasters to cover them up are not acceptable. Members of staff are not permitted to remove earrings or cover ears with plasters. A small analogue watch may be worn however Smartwatches are not permitted due to their technological capabilities.

Make up including nail varnish and artificial nails is not permitted to be worn at school.

In the summer months, please also ensure that your child is appropriately covered in sunscreen as staff are not permitted to administer sunscreen in school – children can however bring sunscreen into school providing they do not share with friends due to possible allergies.