Our traditional tale tale last week was Jack and the Beanstalk and as always we had some fabulous work and photographs sent in. Here are just a few to share:
- Toby’s characters.
- Corey’s beautiful beanstalk.
- We talked about our favourite part of the story.
- Katie’s amazing model.
- Ella’s castle for the giant and his wife.
- Nina’s writing
- Bae’s favourite part of the story.
- Olivia’s beautiful work
We have also been busy in maths this week:
- Number recognition
- Ordering by size
- Number sentences
- Measuring
- Measuring
- Measuring
We have also been……..
- Enjoying reading in the sunshine
- Trying hard with our writing
- Reading lots of new words
- Drawing and labelling a plant
- Making fairy gardens
- Finding interesting things outside
- Writing fact-files
Another very busy week in Class 1 – thank you to you all.
Happy half term everyone – let’s hope the sun shines for us.