- Zak has measured the objects around the house.
- Chloe has worked on word problem solving.
- Felicity has worked on her addition.
- Chloe has practised her Maths skills.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete the survey. The survey is now closed from 12noon Monday 18th May. We will now consider your requirements and use them to plan the next phase of our action plan. I will be in touch in due course. Please continue to stay safe.
Our new expedition this term is ‘Where in the World would you go?’ The children had fun learning about the weather and making their own weather chart to record what the weather is like every say. They enjoyed thinking about going away on holiday and ‘packing their suitcase’. Well done to these children who have created acrostic poems for different types of weather. Fantastic work everybody! Keep it up!
Mrs Wojcik
Acrostic poem by Alba
Chloe’s work
Hi everybody,
This week children have been working extremely hard on creating their story map and then writing their own version of ‘The Clock tower’ story. They have showed their beautiful handwriting, spelling and punctuation. Well done to all of you for being determined and resilient with your learning.
Mrs Wojcik
Hello everybody,
I would like to say thank you to the children, who have had a go with our expedition tasks last week. I am very impressed with your great effort and with your fabulous art work that you have created. I have received messages and photographs from lots of you and I am glad you have had so much fun when going for a minibeast hunt and naming different plants and bugs. Some of you have used natural materials to create habitats for insects and bugs that you have seen on your walk. What a fantastic idea!!
I look forward too seeing more beautiful work from you and I am going to add your photographs to our blog post for everybody to look at. Keep up with your wonderful work!!!
Stay safe,
Mrs Wojcik
Welcome to Year 1. Please keep checking back here for updates and information about what is happening in our class.
Mrs Wojcik