Once again Class 3 have excelled themselves with their home learning, take a look at some of this week’s beautiful work.
We have been using our imaginations in our creative writing…
- After watching the video ‘Once in a Lifetime’ Adam wrote a wonderfully descriptive ending to the story.
- Fearne collaborated with her Mum on her ending for the story.
- Elsie wrote a lovely description of ‘Tiny the Dragon’.
Mathematicians have been busy learning fractions…
Geographers have been exploring the United Kingdom…
- Elsie made a poster to show what each country has to offer.
Readers have been enjoying this week’s key text ‘The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse’…
- Caihla read this week’s text to her family.
- Exploring the differences between the town and the country.
Super scientists have been weather watching and exploring chemistry…
- Victoria has been keeping a weather diary.
- Emily has been making bath bombs!
You are all amazing Class 3, keep up your great effort and keep sharing the wonderful things you are doing at home.
- Holly’s beautiful new window display!
Take care and ‘Bee Happy’!
Mrs Goodyer